
While tove-lo.org, is relatively new, it has been in the works for awhile. The first time I ever heard her was in someone’s vlog on youtube. I found habits and immediately looked for the song on youtube. I was going through a super hard time back then, and fell in love with how well that song described my life back then. That song led to another, and another, and I wanted to know more about her. Soon enough, I owned each and every album, and the rest is history. It’s safe to say she became my favorite artist. There’s not really many fan sites for her, so I wanted to change that, and that’s the site you’re seeing today; tove-lo.org.

TLO is one of the first sites I’ve ran and maintained since I took a 9-10 year break. Tove-Lo.org is proudly hosted by  WebHostPython.